Tuesday, August 27, 2013

LSW Demo #2

Oddly enough, the Sonic-Potions LXR is the first hardware drum synth I've owned.  I've got a bunch of stuff on the computer, but that kind of music creation has always been creatively constricting for me.

Anyway, I recorded a new demo with some devices we build (MFOS Soundlab MKII, Hex Inverter Sympleseq & Sonic-Potions LXR).  It's accompanied with a Minimoog Voyager OS and a Juno-106.  The LXR is generating the clock which is being sent to a Kenton Pro-Solo II MIDI 2 CV, which is then sending the clock to the Sympleseq.

Enjoy and thanks for watching!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Just completed another board.  This time I used some dense red oak wood to help keep it weighted down when multiple MIDI cables are plugged.  It was spray painted with flat black then coated with clear matte.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Finally found some time to build something for myself.  Hexinverter's Sympleseq with the Re:Synthesis panel.  Extremely happy with this module.  Also happy that I finally have some blinking lights in the modular!